WOW! I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?
These fakes are popping up all over but let's set the record straight. These LOOK like Younique, these SOUND like Younique, but these are FAR from the real thing.
When you spend $29 on Younqiue 3D mascara, you are guaranteed the quality, service, & our Love It Guarantee, as well as me to take care of you. Our product will always be branded with our logo on the case and each tube and be sold for no less than $29.
When you buy the copy cat, it will not be branded, and will likely have who knows what inside each tube. Some even have fibers made out of FIBERGLASS (!!??) and other potentially toxic ingredients in the gel.
Don't Do It! It might be tempting because they're priced so low, but these are not authentic!
Stick with the real thing & have no concerns. If you are in doubt, please ask.
Find your Younique self here-->>
#3Denvy #LynnsLashEnvy #magicmasara #Amazing3D #3deyes